External focus panel: authenticity/courage (how we connect/speak)
NSCSW members will share reflections on the following questions, based upon intersectional positionality and personal experience:
How do we speak our truths?
How do we own our stuff?
How can we hear difficult truths?
Annual General Meeting
At this general meeting of NSCSW membership, Council will present the 2023 annual report.
» RSVP for the AGM on Eventbrite before noon on Friday May 24
All members in good standing are welcome to participate virtually. Members of the public can watch the livestream on YouTube: youtube.com/live/03nDCdaWxIQ
Internal focus panel: awareness/safety (how we understand/connect)
NSCSW members will share reflections on the following questions, based upon intersectional positionality and personal experience:
How do we understand the role of unconscious bias in our work?
Have we observed bias in ourselves as well as others?
How do we manage it?
What does safety mean to us?
What do our intersectional experiences teach us about safe(R) social work practice?
Land acknowledgement
Opening reflection with Elder Ella Paul, Millbrook First Nation
Special General Meeting
Our special general meeting offers an opportunity for NSCSW members to learn about and discuss the College’s 2024-2027 strategic plan.
2024-2027 Strategic Plan
(note: if you’ve already read the review and proposal, you can turn to page 43 for summaries of feedback/recommendations and page 51 for the finalized plan)
Navigating our way to safe(r) social work practice
A theoretical overview of unconscious bias