Towards a sustainable trauma-informed practice
In this presentation, Fyre Jean Graveline will share an evolving LIFE (Lived Indigenous Feminist Ecological) model of practice and its applications to individuals, communities, and practitioners traumatized by oppressive systems. Fyre Jean will also inspire practitioners to engage in spirit-infused and expressive arts-based strategies for more compassionate care of self and others.
“i am keenly interested in the interconnections between spirituality, art and social change. Two interlocked themes emerge from this:
1. How we can use art and spirituality to increase our own resilience, to reduce compassion fatigue while reconnecting to our original calling as advocates of the oppressed.
2. The evolution of the LIFE model of trauma-informed practice (Lived, Indigenous, Feminist, Ecological) to help us understand how we can work to restore harmony among All Our Relations, which included aiding in reconcile-actions between our Nations, and enhancing sustainable relationships with Mother Earth.”
Speaker: Fyre Jean Graveline RSW, PhD, RCAT
i am a social worker, art therapist, educator, wordsmith. I am a Metis feminist environmentalist, a ceremonial leader, circle facilitator and community activist. I am an author of Circle Works (1998. 2012), Healing Wounded Hearts (2004), and many articles and poems.